Our Mediators
Since 1996, the Center for Mediation has trained hundreds of mediators, including attorneys, social workers, teachers, students, police officers, parents, pastors, retirees, and others. Many of our mediators volunteer their time to help increase peaceful resolution of conflicts and decrease violence throughout the state. Our dedicated team of mediators combine their years of experience and mediation training to help you resolve disputes simply and peacefully. We are committed to helping you reach an agreement that works for everyone involved.
Our volunteer mediators engage in a structured, supervised program and have the opportunity to participate in advanced workshops.
If you are interested in mediating with us, you must have at least 30 hours of mediation training. Contact us to meet with our staff about your experience, interest, and availability. You will be asked to fill out a volunteer application and to provide us with a copy of your training certificate. All new mediators go through a background check, orientation, observation, and co-mediation before becoming a lead mediator.
If you are interested in mediating with us, but have not received basic mediation training, please contact us about our next training.
• We provide extensive mentoring, support, and training in the mediation process.
• We provide continuing education opportunities through additional, free or low-cost trainings and seminars.
• We provide networking opportunities.
• You have the knowledge that, while improving your professional skills as a mediator, you are helping to make your community a better place.